
High Voltage Spark Testers

Mobility and Precision

High Voltage DC portable power supplies are compact, mobile devices designed to deliver high-voltage direct current (DC) for various applications. These power supplies are engineered with advanced technology to provide reliable and stable output voltages, often ranging from several hundred volts to multiple kilovolts. They are characterized by their portability, making them convenient for fieldwork, research, and specialized testing where mobility and flexibility are essential. These power supplies often come equipped with safety features, such as overvoltage protection and current limiting, ensuring the safety of both the equipment and the user. 

Tailored Precision: Spark Tester Excellence

URJA HVSYSTEM provides customizable options for the Spark Tester, tailoring it to specific testing requirements. Designed with precision and reliability in mind, this tester is adept at detecting flaws or imperfections in cables, ensuring the highest standards of quality and safety in electrical infrastructure. With the ability to simulate high-voltage conditions, this tester aids in pre-emptively identifying vulnerabilities in cable insulation, preventing potential electrical failures. Trust URJA HVSYSTEM’s High Voltage Spark Tester to deliver accurate and consistent results, safeguarding against disruptions and maintaining the reliability of cable networks and electrical systems. 

Particulars Technical Parameters
Voltage Range
1…50 KV
Test Frequency
50 ~ 60 Hz (Utility Frequency)
~ 2.5 % Full scale
Detection sensitivity
0.6 mA
Wave Form
Sine Wave A.C.RMS
Bead Chain
H. V. Meter
Digital LED
Power Supply
220V AC 50~60Hz
Zero Start interlock