
AC/DC High Voltage Dividers

AC/DC High Voltage Dividers

URJA HVSYSTEM is your trusted provider of High Voltage Dividers designed to meet the demanding requirements of voltage measurement and control in high voltage applications. Our High Voltage Dividers offer precision and accuracy in voltage division, catering to systems operating at voltages up to 600 kV. These dividers are engineered with advanced technology and superior craftsmanship to ensure reliable and consistent voltage measurements.

Key Features:

Particulars Technical Parameters
Voltage Range
1-600 kV DC or AC to 50 Hz sinusoidal
1 V / 10 V per 10kV applied (10,000:1 ratio) or (1000:1 ratio)
Divider Accuracy
± 3.0%
Operating temperature
20 °C … + 55 °C
Storage temperature
– 20 °C … + 70 °C